Use the NimbusVoice VOIP internet connection test to see if your internet connection can support quality phone calls using VOIP. NimbusVoice phone calls travel through the internet to our servers for processing and then on to your destination.
For optimal voice quality you want to see:
Ping at less than 150 MS
Download :
On average each phone call requires 128 kbps of bandwidth. So for 5 users you’d need to see at least 1 Mbps for the download speed but with most broadband connections you’ll have at the very minimum 5 Mbps which can support 39 simultaneous phone calls.
Upload :
On average each phone call requires 128 kbps of bandwidth. So for 5 users you’d need to see at least 1 Mbps for the upload speed. Upload speeds are typically less than download speeds so you’d be limited by your upload speed to know how many max simultaneous calls you can make on your network. If your test result shows 3 Mbps for upload then the max number of simultaneous calls you can make is 23. That’s still a lot of calls!
Jitter at less than 30 MS